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Family Education Reduces Violence Against Children

The culture here among the different migrant families is warm, hospitable, and many people want a big family with lots of children. But family life is […]

Learning How to Parent Well

Moe Moe is 23 years old. She has two boys. Her oldest is 3 and half years old and the youngest just turned 1. Moe Moe […]

I Will Be a Different Kind of Father

Learning from this class I’m motivated to be a different father when I have my own children. I will compliment, encourage, and support them in learning new things and improving their skills.”

We Can Take Care of Each Other

Daw Aye Min sat on the plastic mat on the floor of her bamboo house as the savings group members filed in. Normally, these meetings were […]

Learning to Show Love

"I've been so busy making sure we have food to eat, I never took time to build a bond with my son. I didn't know it was important. My children think I don't care about them. They only see that I'm too busy to spend time with them."

Meet Ma Phyo – Program Graduate

Ma Phyo no longer receives nutrition support from The Charis Project. This is because she is now stronger physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially and ready to step forward to a better future for her children and family. "I always pray for you. And I want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I’m very happy because of your help. Every night I pray, I pray for you, for the people who have helped my family."

Why We Are Focusing on Family Support

We have learned a lot since our days of just supporting an orphanage. Now we know that the best way to protect children is to help their birth families to be strong and safe wherever possible.

Friday Classes Under the Shade Tree

As the parents in this class begin to understand the developmental underpinnings of their children's behavior, they can begin to overcome generational cycles of using anger and reactive hitting to train their children.

Fat Happy Babies!!!

"Before you started coming to our village, most of the babies born here were skinny, and cried all the time. The babies born since you started caring for these women are so different, they are fat, they don't cry as much, their mothers seem happier taking care of them and they know what to do when they are sick or fussy because you visit and help them learn."

Change is Possible! – Rewriting patterns of violence

Household violence is common... Often I hear that it's nothing we can change. But that doesn't mean we stop trying.

Homeless, again.

They are willing to live in something that we wouldn’t even classify as a building in order to get paid on time and not have to run from the police... We are working with these families to find long-term solutions.

Surrounded by Friends

The little boy's grandfather stood up and announced, "I will keep my grandson. Even if it means I can't go to work...