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They Chose the Best Start For Their Baby

When Ei Phyo Wai's baby was only one and a half months old, she started to feel like she should go out and look for a job to help make money. In order to do that she began giving her a substitute for breastmilk, in order to wean her. It wasn't even infant formula. But she couldn't read the box. She only looked at the pictures. She thought from the pictures that it was good for her baby.

The First 1000 Days, Prenatal Nutrition is Vital!

If you want to make the biggest impact on a child’s life long health and well being, you need to do it during the first 1000 […]

She Left Her Baby and Never Came Back

Desperate mothers who have no support frequently abandon their children at the clinic, slipping away when no one is looking and leaving their baby behind.

Do You Want My Baby?

Imagine how you would feel, living in a tiny bamboo hut on stilts, above a mosquito infested swamp/sewer, in a crowded village strewn with refuse, where you live at the mercy of the landlord, who is also your boss, barely able to feed the children you already have, to find out you were expecting another.

Bringing Hope

This process of supporting families is messy, and hard. Not all stories end well. Often we meet someone in need too late. We can’t undo the damage done to a baby by malnutrition or violence. But we walk with the parents through their current reality and provide support for the present situation. And we keep looking to identify those most at risk, to find them soon enough, to prevent what can so easily be prevented.

Fat Happy Babies!!!

"Before you started coming to our village, most of the babies born here were skinny, and cried all the time. The babies born since you started caring for these women are so different, they are fat, they don't cry as much, their mothers seem happier taking care of them and they know what to do when they are sick or fussy because you visit and help them learn."

Surrounded by Friends

The little boy's grandfather stood up and announced, "I will keep my grandson. Even if it means I can't go to work...

Feed A Mother! We need your help today.

Many mothers can't afford even basic nutrition for themselves and their growing babies. For $10/week, you can supplement the diet of a pregnant women, and her family, and help these little babies to be born healthy and strong.