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$20 / month can make or break a family

In the migrant camps and villages on the Thai/Burma border, families are living so closely with hunger and poverty that they are on the verge of being torn apart by it.

This is how children end up abandoned at children’s homes, at temples, or sent to stay with distant relatives far away from their parents.

When the family can’t make ends meet, these are the choices they have left.

We are living and working with families in this crisis. We are helping them to support each other, working together to create employment opportunities, and partnering with them in creating their own businesses.

We provide training such as basic family finance, basic healthcare and nutrition, and early childhood education.

Initially this project began as a way to create family style care for abandoned children, but as we have worked we have found that an even greater need is to reach out to families who are at risk of disintegration, and support the whole family instead, maintaining the child’s original family, rather than creating a new, artificial one.


A Ten Year Journey. Look Where It’s Taken Us So Far.

It has been an amazing journey so far. Together we have learned so much about what it takes to protect vulnerable children, and we have journeyed together a long way in our understanding and approach. Through it all, you have been with us in consistent love and care for these children, and with us have broadened that love and care to include their families as a whole.