Hammocks are brilliant baby beds.
A short while ago we wrapped up another birth class in one of the villages we have been working with for a while. This is the second class that women in this village have benefitted from. Many women here attended our very first birth class and were the original recipients of the nutrition packages. Those babies are all over 6 months now and their mothers have graduated from the program.
One of them said, “Before you started coming to our village, most of the babies born here were skinny, and cried all the time. The babies born since you started caring for these women are so different, they are fat, they don’t cry as much, their mothers seem happier taking care of them and they know what to do when they are sick or fussy because you visit and help them learn.”
It’s nice to be thanked, but it’s way better to hear that what we’re doing is having such an impact for these families. The women in these programs are breastfeeding longer, rather than weaning their children too early and feeding them nothing but sweetened soy drinks like many other women do so they can go back to work sooner. The over all health of the mothers and babies is better, and best of all, there is a strong bond forming between the parents and their babies.
Carrien is co-founder of The Charis Project, Family Education Curriculum Developer, and mom of 6.
You can get her free mini-course on Making Your Family More Resilient here.