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A couple of years ago, when we were first starting The Charis Project  Melissa, the daughter of one of our board members, came to us and said, “I’d really like to help you guys out. I don’t have a lot of money but here are a few things I could do.”

She was in her last semester of design school and she took us on a her final project for her class on creating a branding package. She designed our logo for us and then expanded it into everything else, letter head, business cards, newsletter layout, and even web graphics. She’s the reason we look so good.

She says that having the work she did for us in her portfolio helped her to land her first job out of school. They liked that she had already done something real.

To this day, whenever we have something we want to try I can shoot her an email and she get’s back to me right away with something awesome.

At that time she said she was thinking of opening an etsy shop to sell stuff that she made and then donating half the proceeds. But for some reason for a long, long time we didn’t realize she had actually done it. I’m not sure where I thought she was getting the money she kept donating every month, but I didn’t realize that she had in fact started a very cool shop called moonscape handmade and was donating 50% of the proceeds to The Charis Project for the past few years until a couple of months ago. Yeah, I’m quick like that.

Anyway, you should check out moonfruit because her stuff is beautiful and you can get pretty, pretty things and help out orphans at the same time. Total win, win.

We’re really fortunate to have someone like her on board.

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