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“Before the training, I didn’t know any better.”

“The minds of children are fragile. If something happens to them, it could scar them for a long time.” Most migrant parents here on the Thai/Burma […]

“I Will Raise This Baby”

"I hired a motorbike taxi to cross the border and go to where they were living." She said. "When he saw me, he ran to me right away. So I picked him up and thought, 'From now on I will raise this baby.'"
keep families together

From Desperation to Hope

The woman and her little extended family were alone, in a foreign country, critically poor, discovering a sickness that gets you rejected by the surrounding community, with a baby coming to a young and inexperienced mother and the danger of giving this new life the same sickness that the mother just discovered that she now has to deal with for the rest of her life.

Change is Possible! – Rewriting patterns of violence

Household violence is common... Often I hear that it's nothing we can change. But that doesn't mean we stop trying.

Commonplace Violence

"I don't want to go back," she said, "But what other choice do I have? I have 4 children, they need me to take care of them."