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A Young Widow’s Financial Burden

Imagine being the mother of a three-year-old and seven months pregnant with your second child when your husband dies. Grieving alone is debilitating, but Hnin Nwe Soe has a heavy burden to carry along with her grief. She worries about her finances. Debt is a way of life for her. 
Building Financial Stability: The Power of Saving and Entrepreneurship

Building Financial Stability: The Power of Saving and Entrepreneurship

“As a part of the Family Enterprise Program, I finally have the tools to take control of my finances and build a better future for my […]

Building together, and Saving Together

Please enable JavaScriptplay-sharp-fill LinkEmbedCopy and paste this HTML code into your webpage to embed. Many of our clients are incredibly resourceful, able to build themselves house […]

A Savings Group Helps Turn Trash Into Treasure

Ma Kyue Kyue was a hard working small business owner before she had access to a VSLA or secure savings structures, but she was barely making it, because she couldn’t borrow at a fair rate to grow her business, and she had no safe way to hold on to her money. Now she has both, and even though times are tough, she isn’t quitting.

Beware of Little Expenses

Setting this goal has helped me to take financial responsibility for my life. I started to keep track of all of my expenses.

I learned to run my own business well!

“When I was a child, my family struggled just to survive.” Ma Myint Myat Thu says.   “They could not afford to pay for me to get […]

Savings Groups Help Families Survive the COVID-19 Lockdown

When COVID-19 hit Thailand, and the government prevention measures closed down borders and businesses, and cut off whole communities, most migrant families were caught completely unprepared. […]

We Can Take Care of Each Other

Daw Aye Min sat on the plastic mat on the floor of her bamboo house as the savings group members filed in. Normally, these meetings were […]

A Family Farm Enterprise

That's how 'P Thon became a farmer, taking over the running of the Charis Farm independently, and we became his customer and investor.

Meet Ma Phyo – Program Graduate

Ma Phyo no longer receives nutrition support from The Charis Project. This is because she is now stronger physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially and ready to step forward to a better future for her children and family. "I always pray for you. And I want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I’m very happy because of your help. Every night I pray, I pray for you, for the people who have helped my family."
Charis Team

Ching San – Family Enterprise Manager

Update on the Farm

The Charis Project, has had to grow up and firmly establish its focus and clarity of mission. The mission is to "heal families, strengthen families, and keep families together." While we could tell a true story of how the Farm accomplished these goals, that story was longer than it should be.