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A Young Widow’s Financial Burden

Imagine being the mother of a three-year-old and seven months pregnant with your second child when your husband dies. Grieving alone is debilitating, but Hnin Nwe Soe has a heavy burden to carry along with her grief. She worries about her finances. Debt is a way of life for her. 

Beware of Little Expenses

Setting this goal has helped me to take financial responsibility for my life. I started to keep track of all of my expenses.

Savings Groups Help Families Survive the COVID-19 Lockdown

When COVID-19 hit Thailand, and the government prevention measures closed down borders and businesses, and cut off whole communities, most migrant families were caught completely unprepared. […]

We Can Take Care of Each Other

Daw Aye Min sat on the plastic mat on the floor of her bamboo house as the savings group members filed in. Normally, these meetings were […]