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A Young Widow’s Financial Burden

Imagine being the mother of a three-year-old and seven months pregnant with your second child when your husband dies. Grieving alone is debilitating, but Hnin Nwe Soe has a heavy burden to carry along with her grief. She worries about her finances. Debt is a way of life for her. 

We Walked Through Tragedy to Strength

“In the past we faced many difficult things. Since we met with the Family Rescue team, our heavy burdens became light,” she said.

For Families in Poverty, Breastfeeding is Vital – The First 1000 Days

Mothers wean their babies from the breast in a matter of weeks, so they can return to work sooner. But they don't give them a good quality formula instead. They can't afford it, and they don't know the difference.

They Chose the Best Start For Their Baby

When Ei Phyo Wai's baby was only one and a half months old, she started to feel like she should go out and look for a job to help make money. In order to do that she began giving her a substitute for breastmilk, in order to wean her. It wasn't even infant formula. But she couldn't read the box. She only looked at the pictures. She thought from the pictures that it was good for her baby.

Seeds for Sustainable Recovery – Special COVID-19 Intervention

Working with the local district government to strategically target and identify the most at risk families in each community, we distributed seeds to nearly 3000 families in need who were affected by the COVID19 crisis so that they will have food to eat in the coming months. For families still reeling from their financial losses, seeds equal hope.

Feeding the Hungry – Soap and Hope Phase 2

Last month you helped hungry families survive. While going from migrant community to migrant community with COVID19 prevention training [see Phase 1 – Clean Hands Save […]

A Social Distancing Survival Guide

Here’s a short list of resources to help you and your family right now. Many of these we have used personally, and found them useful. We’ve […]

Their Children Get to Go to School, Instead of Work

"If they get to go to school they will have better opportunity in life than their parents. I don’t think they would enjoy doing the work that we do."

“I Will Raise This Baby”

"I hired a motorbike taxi to cross the border and go to where they were living." She said. "When he saw me, he ran to me right away. So I picked him up and thought, 'From now on I will raise this baby.'"

Helping Children Go Home

They bring food and support to the family, instead of the children having to go out of the family to get the same thing.
keep families together

From Desperation to Hope

The woman and her little extended family were alone, in a foreign country, critically poor, discovering a sickness that gets you rejected by the surrounding community, with a baby coming to a young and inexperienced mother and the danger of giving this new life the same sickness that the mother just discovered that she now has to deal with for the rest of her life.

It is HOPE that You Give