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A Young Widow’s Financial Burden

Imagine being the mother of a three-year-old and seven months pregnant with your second child when your husband dies. Grieving alone is debilitating, but Hnin Nwe Soe has a heavy burden to carry along with her grief. She worries about her finances. Debt is a way of life for her. 

In Spite of Loss, Her Community is Stronger Because of Her Wisdom

“I wish I had received these lessons earlier because I think I would have been able to avoid miscarriages and keep my children alive,” Daw Cho says. “I will surely join any courses provided by The Charis Project in my community. This knowledge is a life-changing opportunity for people like us.”

BUILDING RESILIENCE – Family Education Training Outcomes for 2022

Carrien BlueCarrien is co-founder of The Charis Project, Family Education Curriculum Developer, and mom of 6. You can get her free mini-course on Making Your Family […]

“I Won’t Beat My Child Like My Parents Beat Me”

“I won’t beat my child, the way I was beaten. It’s now natural for me to be patient with her. I understand her more, thanks to what I learned in the classes. I used to have to remind myself to be patient. But now, it’s my first response.”

Higher Ground is Expanding!!!

A few years ago, all of the 1st graders in this village tested positive for amphetamines! Since we gave them a soccer field and daily coaching, the drug use in this village has plummeted, and not just for the children. The adults are playing soccer more and using drugs less also.

I need to be a good parent for every child in my care

“I used to think that parenting skills were something I only needed to apply to my biological children. But now I have realized that I need […]

A Mobile Lending Library!

  Most migrant families don’t have any books. Not one, in the entire house. Books are a luxury. They are something that people who have enough […]

What is Wrong With My Child?

Naw Day Poe was at her wit’s end. Her daughter cried all day long, from early in the morning until late into the night. Her husband […]

“I Don’t Need Help Anymore”

Aye Thi Dar Tun thought she was going to die. She and her family were locked inside their house, all sick with Covid19. The whole group […]

They Are Why

When you strengthen a family, their children’s future becomes bright. We work with parents because they are the ones who do the hard work of raising […]

A Savings Group Helps Turn Trash Into Treasure

Ma Kyue Kyue was a hard working small business owner before she had access to a VSLA or secure savings structures, but she was barely making it, because she couldn’t borrow at a fair rate to grow her business, and she had no safe way to hold on to her money. Now she has both, and even though times are tough, she isn’t quitting.

A New Home For TinTin’s Mother

"My mother was in shock, and sobbing." TinTin said. "Everything she had was lost!"