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Do You Want My Baby?

Imagine how you would feel, living in a tiny bamboo hut on stilts, above a mosquito infested swamp/sewer, in a crowded village strewn with refuse, where you live at the mercy of the landlord, who is also your boss, barely able to feed the children you already have, to find out you were expecting another.

How Paperwork can Transform Lives

Volunteer Policy

A Family Almost Destroyed by Sickness

Annual Reports

Carrien BlueCarrien is co-founder of The Charis Project, Family Education Curriculum Developer, and mom of 6. You can get her free mini-course on Making Your Family […]

Bringing Hope

This process of supporting families is messy, and hard. Not all stories end well. Often we meet someone in need too late. We can’t undo the damage done to a baby by malnutrition or violence. But we walk with the parents through their current reality and provide support for the present situation. And we keep looking to identify those most at risk, to find them soon enough, to prevent what can so easily be prevented.

The Lovan Family – The ARK Initiative

Why We Are Focusing on Family Support

We have learned a lot since our days of just supporting an orphanage. Now we know that the best way to protect children is to help their birth families to be strong and safe wherever possible.
Aaron Blue

Aaron Blue – Thailand Director

Carrien Blue – Family Education and Storytelling


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