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Transforming Lives: Empowering Families Through Education Programs

“Life has been an uphill battle for me. But with help from the Family Education program, I am feeling hopeful..” 

Ma Lin Thein, 44, is the mother of five children. Her husband works at an ice factory. Their oldest daughter, 21, works at a hairdressing shop. The rest of their children are attending school.

Ma Lin Thein welcomes us into her modest row house provided rent-free by her husband’s boss. It’s much more solid than many migrant worker houses, the walls are cement, and it has a tin roof. “My husband built us a private toilet inside the house, so we don’t have to share with the other residents.” She tells us with satisfaction. “We only have to pay for electricity and water.”

Transforming Lives: Empowering Families Through Education Programs

Ma Lin Thein on Becoming a Better Parent

Ma Lin Thein recently attended our Positive Parenting Training. “It was a game-changer for me,” she said. “My perspective on parenting changed. I learned that it’s important better to praise my children and thank them for things they do well, instead of only punishing them when they do things they shouldn’t.”

“I thought more about how my children behave, and what” kind of manners I’m modeling for them. I started trying to inspire them to have good behavior.”

“As soon as I tried this with my children I noticed a change in how they behaved. It was amazing! They were so excited when I told them thank you, or said that they did a good job. This one thing where I give them positive reinforcement is already transforming our family dynamics and making them better.”

Transforming Lives: Empowering Families Through Education Programs

Eager to Learn

“I am always looking for ways to help my family. I want to come to more trainings in the future. The Family Education program has been a trustworthy guide for me as a mother. Many more families would benefit from learning what they teach.”

Ma Lin Thein was also one of the first parents to use the Family Education Program’s Mobile Library. She was eager to sign out her first book. “It is a gift to have books to read in my own language that help me become a stronger parent.”

Choose Strength and Accept the Challenges

Ma Lin Thein is a committed parent. She only needed guidance to strengthen her family and improve her children’s emotional security. Her story shows how a little education and training can help transform the entire atmosphere of a family. Her determination to be a good parent and strengthen her family despite their challenges is a powerful reminder of the resilience and strength that are present in so many migrant families.

Transforming Lives: Empowering Families Through Education Programs

However, her story highlights the challenges faced by many families like hers. Imagine not knowing that your children need warmth, and appreciation, and positive feedback to inspire them to work hard and behave well. Many families lack the knowledge and training in these basic parenting ideas that will help them to raise their children to be healthy and strong adults. Other migrant families like Ma Lin Thein’s also need to receive training that will transform and strengthen their family.

Your support for the Family Education Program uplifts families and unites them. By doing so, you pave the way for a brighter future for their children. Your generous contributions fuel the Family Education Program which is transforming hundreds of families living on the Thai/Burma border.

Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of children like Ma Lin Thein’s. We can give them a warm, loving, secure family atmosphere to grow up in. Thank you for helping to build families stronger.

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