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A Father’s Mind Changed

Htun Htun Aye, 35, used to be a typical Burmese style father. "I thought my children had to be afraid of me, or they would never listen to me or respect me. I love my children, but I kept it inside. I never let my love show to them, ever."

How important are fathers, really?

“If I can give other parents the gift of hope for their future, and their children’s future, and the tools to lay that firm foundation for their children to stand on, then I will have begun to give as much as was given to me.”

Learning How to Parent Well

Moe Moe is 23 years old. She has two boys. Her oldest is 3 and half years old and the youngest just turned 1. Moe Moe […]

Supporting New Parents Protects Children

Tin Min Tway arrives late to the Savings Group meeting, her round belly swaying out in front of her. It is pay out day. The officer […]

What’s Happening in Myanmar?

On February 1, 2021, the military in Myanmar, known as Burma by most, staged a coup against the democratically elected government. While it hasn’t been making […]

Keeping Children Healthy

Once parents know what causes illness, they can help prevent their children from getting sick, and help their bodies to be strong enough to fight off the sicknesses they can't avoid getting.

Help in the Midst of Tragedy

Hni Hni Htun was 5 and half months pregnant with her first baby when her husband died in a motorcycle accident. She had only been in […]

For Families in Poverty, Breastfeeding is Vital – The First 1000 Days

Mothers wean their babies from the breast in a matter of weeks, so they can return to work sooner. But they don't give them a good quality formula instead. They can't afford it, and they don't know the difference.

Nothing Can Make Up For A Child’s First 1000 Days

By the time a child is two years old the most important stages of physical and brain development have already occurred. If this development doesn’t happen in […]

A Future for Zu Bai

When Zu Bai was in third grade, he was playing with his friend, and the friend threw a shoe at him. It hit him in the […]

I learned to run my own business well!

“When I was a child, my family struggled just to survive.” Ma Myint Myat Thu says.   “They could not afford to pay for me to get […]

Three Years Success Giving Families Independence – FEP Cumulative Report

Migrant families don’t have access to the regular banking services that most of us take for granted. They don’t have a secure way to save their […]