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After Their Mother Died, These Siblings Banded Together to Protect Each Other

When we met her family Ei Phyu had just recently taken all of her younger siblings and 6 month old niece into her care and was struggling to provide for them all. This brave young family was barely holding it together when we started providing nutrition packages for them.

The Story of What Doesn’t Happen When Families Have Support

For a family in crisis it’s not just about not having enough work to buy food to eat. It’s about the debt that a family gets […]

Learning to Show Love

"I've been so busy making sure we have food to eat, I never took time to build a bond with my son. I didn't know it was important. My children think I don't care about them. They only see that I'm too busy to spend time with them."

Kay Thi – Alone and Struggling

She took herself to the clinic alone when she was in labor, bringing her 3 year old son with her. The baby was born prematurely. Tired […]

What Happens When There is NO Support for Families?

An orphanage should always be the last option for a child. It is the demonstration of evil in the world, the destruction of families, of the failure of society. However, occasionally, it is the least bad option available.
keep families together

From Desperation to Hope

The woman and her little extended family were alone, in a foreign country, critically poor, discovering a sickness that gets you rejected by the surrounding community, with a baby coming to a young and inexperienced mother and the danger of giving this new life the same sickness that the mother just discovered that she now has to deal with for the rest of her life.

Good Touch, Bad Touch – Abuse Prevention Training

Meet Ma Phyo – Program Graduate

Ma Phyo no longer receives nutrition support from The Charis Project. This is because she is now stronger physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially and ready to step forward to a better future for her children and family. "I always pray for you. And I want to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH. I’m very happy because of your help. Every night I pray, I pray for you, for the people who have helped my family."

Update on the Farm

The Charis Project, has had to grow up and firmly establish its focus and clarity of mission. The mission is to "heal families, strengthen families, and keep families together." While we could tell a true story of how the Farm accomplished these goals, that story was longer than it should be.

Strong Women, Strong Families

Debt Free and At Peace

In four short months they have mixed our help with their strength and are now debt free.

We Have Launched a New Thai National Foundation

Over the past 4 years, our projects and team has grown from 4 people to a team of 33 people from three different countries, speaking 12 different languages with 8 different projects directly engaging and helping over 150 families per month and ready to reach more. We had become too big to be a subsidiary of another foundation any longer.