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Dreams to Reality

For 8 years Daw Aye Min had used an old-fashioned foot powered sewing machine that she bought for 2,000 Baht. “The old sewing machine takes a lot […]

A Ten Year Journey. Look Where It’s Taken Us So Far.

It has been an amazing journey so far. Together we have learned so much about what it takes to protect vulnerable children, and we have journeyed together a long way in our understanding and approach. Through it all, you have been with us in consistent love and care for these children, and with us have broadened that love and care to include their families as a whole.


Carrien BlueCarrien is co-founder of The Charis Project, Family Education Curriculum Developer, and mom of 6. You can get her free mini-course on Making Your Family […]

Seeds for Sustainable Recovery – Special COVID-19 Intervention

Working with the local district government to strategically target and identify the most at risk families in each community, we distributed seeds to nearly 3000 families in need who were affected by the COVID19 crisis so that they will have food to eat in the coming months. For families still reeling from their financial losses, seeds equal hope.

Savings Groups Help Families Survive the COVID-19 Lockdown

When COVID-19 hit Thailand, and the government prevention measures closed down borders and businesses, and cut off whole communities, most migrant families were caught completely unprepared. […]

COVID-19 Response Report

Our Director of Research and Evaluation, Wayland Blue, published a detailed report on our prevention efforts in the Mae Sot migrant community at the onset of […]

Clean Hands Save Lives – Soap n Hope

This is what it looks like when 7 teams of dedicated community workers and volunteers go house to house in the hottest month of the year, […]

We Can Take Care of Each Other

Daw Aye Min sat on the plastic mat on the floor of her bamboo house as the savings group members filed in. Normally, these meetings were […]

A Social Distancing Survival Guide

Here’s a short list of resources to help you and your family right now. Many of these we have used personally, and found them useful. We’ve […]

This Entrepreneurial Family Is Thriving With Help from a Savings Group

"Life was hard for my mom and dad raising 5 kids, but they never thought of abandoning us. They worked hard, and harder when they needed to. We always had enough food to eat, enough clothes to wear, never had to be ashamed of being her children. We just weren't rich."

We didn’t have a lot, but we were together.

Part 1: Judah’s family is Lahu, a hill tribe whose members can be found in the mountainous regions of several Asian countries, including China, Thailand, Myanmar, […]

The Faces of Financial Freedom – Saver Friendship Party Photo Essay

This is what it looks like when you gather the members of the different Village Savings and Loan Associations facilitated by the Charis Project into one […]