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I Will Be a Different Kind of Father

Learning from this class I’m motivated to be a different father when I have my own children. I will compliment, encourage, and support them in learning new things and improving their skills.”

What’s Happening in Myanmar?

On February 1, 2021, the military in Myanmar, known as Burma by most, staged a coup against the democratically elected government. While it hasn’t been making […]

Rescuing a Generation

"After attending the Early Childhood Development class, I started to play with my son more and I stopped shaking him."

Keeping Children Healthy

Once parents know what causes illness, they can help prevent their children from getting sick, and help their bodies to be strong enough to fight off the sicknesses they can't avoid getting.

Help in the Midst of Tragedy

Hni Hni Htun was 5 and half months pregnant with her first baby when her husband died in a motorcycle accident. She had only been in […]

For Families in Poverty, Breastfeeding is Vital – The First 1000 Days

Mothers wean their babies from the breast in a matter of weeks, so they can return to work sooner. But they don't give them a good quality formula instead. They can't afford it, and they don't know the difference.

They Chose the Best Start For Their Baby

When Ei Phyo Wai's baby was only one and a half months old, she started to feel like she should go out and look for a job to help make money. In order to do that she began giving her a substitute for breastmilk, in order to wean her. It wasn't even infant formula. But she couldn't read the box. She only looked at the pictures. She thought from the pictures that it was good for her baby.

Htet Htet – Client Story

Htet Htet's baby girl was born healthy and strong. The family has green vegetable growing all around their house to eat, and enough sell if they can find customers. This baby will have the nutrition she needs to develop her mind and body and grow up strong.

The First 1000 Days, Prenatal Nutrition is Vital!

If you want to make the biggest impact on a child’s life long health and well being, you need to do it during the first 1000 […]

Nothing Can Make Up For A Child’s First 1000 Days

By the time a child is two years old the most important stages of physical and brain development have already occurred. If this development doesn’t happen in […]

A Future for Zu Bai

When Zu Bai was in third grade, he was playing with his friend, and the friend threw a shoe at him. It hit him in the […]

I learned to run my own business well!

“When I was a child, my family struggled just to survive.” Ma Myint Myat Thu says.   “They could not afford to pay for me to get […]