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A Mobile Lending Library!

  Most migrant families don’t have any books. Not one, in the entire house. Books are a luxury. They are something that people who have enough […]

What is Wrong With My Child?

Naw Day Poe was at her wit’s end. Her daughter cried all day long, from early in the morning until late into the night. Her husband […]

“I Don’t Need Help Anymore”

Aye Thi Dar Tun thought she was going to die. She and her family were locked inside their house, all sick with Covid19. The whole group […]

Reproductive Health Class in Karen!

“Do you have any classes in Karen?” “Not yet. But we’d like to.” I’ve had to say this many times over the past 8 years since […]

Moments of Mercy

In our ongoing efforts to assist families displaced by the violence on the other side of the Thai/Burma border, our Burma relief coordinators have been finding […]

“Before the training, I didn’t know any better.”

“The minds of children are fragile. If something happens to them, it could scar them for a long time.” Most migrant parents here on the Thai/Burma […]

Some Friendly Competition

Our Mae Sot staff wanted to join in all the soccer fun up on the mountain. So we’ve started organizing mini tournaments between our Mae Sot […]

They Are Why

When you strengthen a family, their children’s future becomes bright. We work with parents because they are the ones who do the hard work of raising […]

Building together, and Saving Together

Please enable JavaScriptplay-sharp-fill LinkEmbedCopy and paste this HTML code into your webpage to embed. Many of our clients are incredibly resourceful, able to build themselves house […]

Higher Ground, Gaining Ground – Part 2

Please enable JavaScriptplay-sharp-fill LinkEmbedCopy and paste this HTML code into your webpage to embed. After last year’s rains washed away part of the soccer field, we […]

Temporary Shelter for Displaced Families

Another round of shelling and attacks in Karen state, Burma, in recent weeks, extremely close to the Thai border, have led to another 1000 or so people fleeing for safety to the Thai border.

Higher Ground – Gaining Ground

In 2020 we launched the beginning of our Higher Ground Soccer program by giving the children and youth in a small mountain village a level field […]