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Feed A Mother! We need your help today.

Many mothers can't afford even basic nutrition for themselves and their growing babies. For $10/week, you can supplement the diet of a pregnant women, and her family, and help these little babies to be born healthy and strong.

Meet Chawsu

Less than a year ago Chawsu was deciding whether or not to send her small children away... we helped her start a small business instead

When Abandoning Your Kids Seems Like the Right Thing To Do

Children's homes should always be considered a temporary solution.

They Were Going to Send Their Children Away for Lack of $20/month!

A few months ago one of our community engagement volunteers took us out to a migrant camp near a truck stop to meet a family he knew. They have 2 small girls ages 4 and 2. The father works very hard for the Thai land owner where the camp is located but they were still not making enough to get by.

This family was on the verge of splitting up because they couldn't make ends meet.

What Poverty Is Really Like

On poverty and child abandonment

Happy New Year From Thailand!!!!

Poverty and Sex Trafficking

Christmas, Charis and YOU!

Wanted: Opportunity

Risk and 3rd World Business Development

How to Unleash a Generation