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Emergency Relief for Displaced Families

Since December of 2021, in a continuation of the year long military dictatorship that is devastating Burma, the army has been attacking Karen settlements just across […]

Family Education is Back in Business!

After 6 long months of pausing our in person Family Education classes, we are so excited to get back out in the communities to equip families […]

A Savings Group Helps Turn Trash Into Treasure

Ma Kyue Kyue was a hard working small business owner before she had access to a VSLA or secure savings structures, but she was barely making it, because she couldn’t borrow at a fair rate to grow her business, and she had no safe way to hold on to her money. Now she has both, and even though times are tough, she isn’t quitting.

Beware of Little Expenses

Setting this goal has helped me to take financial responsibility for my life. I started to keep track of all of my expenses.

Family Education Reduces Violence Against Children

The culture here among the different migrant families is warm, hospitable, and many people want a big family with lots of children. But family life is […]

I Am So Much More Happy

Because she believed that only she could do things right, she was exhausting herself doing everything for her family. Her children weren't learning how to do things for themselves, and her husband had given up on making decisions because she always told him he was wrong.

We Walked Through Tragedy to Strength

“In the past we faced many difficult things. Since we met with the Family Rescue team, our heavy burdens became light,” she said.

A New Home For TinTin’s Mother

"My mother was in shock, and sobbing." TinTin said. "Everything she had was lost!"

A Father’s Mind Changed

Htun Htun Aye, 35, used to be a typical Burmese style father. "I thought my children had to be afraid of me, or they would never listen to me or respect me. I love my children, but I kept it inside. I never let my love show to them, ever."

How important are fathers, really?

“If I can give other parents the gift of hope for their future, and their children’s future, and the tools to lay that firm foundation for their children to stand on, then I will have begun to give as much as was given to me.”

Learning How to Parent Well

Moe Moe is 23 years old. She has two boys. Her oldest is 3 and half years old and the youngest just turned 1. Moe Moe […]

Supporting New Parents Protects Children

Tin Min Tway arrives late to the Savings Group meeting, her round belly swaying out in front of her. It is pay out day. The officer […]